IdumeaA Post-Self Story

People of Orphalese, beauty is life when life unveils her holy face. But you are life and you are the veil. Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror. But you are eternity and you are the mirror.
— Kahlil Gibran

Dramatis Personae

The Ode clade

Your Humble Narrator
Dear The Wheat And Rye Under The Stars
The Woman
To Pray For The End Of Endings
Her Friend
I Must Show No Hesitation When Speaking My Name
Her Therapist
Where I May Ever Dream
Her Cocladist
Should We Rejoice In The End Of Endings
The Oneirotect
Which Offers Heat And Warmth In Fire
The Poet
Where It Watches the Slow Hours Progress
The Musician
Beholden To The Heat Of The Lamps
The Child
And We Are The Motes In The Stage-Lights
The Narrator’s Friend
Time Is A Finger Pointing At Itself
The Blue Fairy
I Remember The Rattle Of Dry Grass


Her Lover
The Dog
Scout Among Weird Skunks With Good Kettlecorn
His Elder
The Rabbit-Chaser
_____ (called “Scout Chasing Rabbits”)

And, of course, you, my dear, dear reader.


The section with The Oneirotect a collaboration with Samantha Yule Fireheart.

The section with The Dog and The Rabbit Chaser is a collaboration with Krzysztof “Tomash” Drewniak.

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